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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/30/2005
Antrim Conservation Commission Notes:           
Meeting: November 30, 2005 at Antrim Town Hall 7PM
Attended by:
Peter Beblowski, Melissa Chapman, Pat Webber, Peter Moore, and Rod Zwirner
Absent: Linda Bryer, Chris Stephenson, Martha Pinello.                        


1.      Meeting notes accepted as read/provided for September by attendees.  No formal meeting held in October.  Informal meeting held on Meadow Marsh Hike on Oct 22.

2.      The Campbell Pond Easement is to be completed on Dec 5, 2005 at 630 before the Selectmen's meeting. A perambulation of the property is to take place with the land steward on Dec 2.  

3.      Meadow Marsh Land   Hike on Oct 22 went very well. Ms Bigford and students enthused.   Peter B spoke with Bill Prokop about solid waste pickup (refrig., beds, insulation, etc.)  Need to remind him again.

4.      West Street/Gould property still does not have draft P&S for property. Received word from Gould sisters and they expect to issue draft P&S by the end of the week.

5.      Schnare/ Mighty Oaks- Monadnock Conservancy (MC) easement still moving forward slowly. Expected completion either before new year or just after.

6.      Rod to continue to try to contact Paul Whittemore about a trail easement for the Balancing Rock/Bald Mtn Trail.

7.      Peter B recently contacted B Prokop about formal walking easement into Campbell Pond, still awaiting response.

8.      Open Space Committee a). Invoice for printing paid for by Commission, No notice of thanks placed in report despite request at public meeting.  

9.      Wetland and other Permits needing attention:  
i.      Mailloux Violation - has not received permit
ii.     Zimmerman Excavation Expansion-Pending.????
iii.    Knapton Subdivision -Letter from Commission issued Nov 14, 2005.

10.     Bruce Edes Forest still pending.  

11.      Area Hikes, Lectures & Other Activities:
"       Dec. 3, 10 am - noon     New England Wood Pellets Forestry Tour  Shieling Forest, Old Street Road, Peterborough, NH  Home heating oil costs are on the rise, dry firewood is scarce and cold weather is coming soon. An alternative to burning traditional firewood is using wood pellets. Wood pellets are made from 100% sawdust and a re a very efficient source of heat. Our tour of New England Wood Pellets at 141 Old Sharon Road, Jaffrey, NH will provide an inside look at how pellets are made. To learn more go to Please remember to wear comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing for an outside tour. Pre-registration is required. Please call 431-6774 for more information and directions.

"       Dec 3, 10 am - noon  NH's Wildlife Action Plan presentation, the Harris Center, Presenter is F&G Michael Marchand.

"       Dec 8, 4 pm - 8 pm  Below Zero     NH Fish and Game, 11 Hazen Dr., Concord, NH
Below Zero is a supplementary education program that focuses on the understanding of
wildlife in frozen environments. Below Zero was created by the Canadian Wildlife
Federation and designed to complement the Project WILD activity guide. Like Project
WILD, activities are both interactive and inter-disciplinary, and target both formal and
non-formal, K-12 students.  If you are a classroom teacher or non-formal educator that is
looking for ways to enhance your students' understanding of the winter environment and the many adaptations and strategies wildlife use to survive it, then this is the workshop
for you.  If you're hesitating because you don't want to spend the winter outdoors, most of
the Below Zero activities may be done effectively indoors or outdoors.
SPONSOR: NH Fish and Game and NH Environmental Educators
FEE:  $25 includes the Below Zero manual and dinner.
For more information contact Mary Goodyear, NH Fish and Game at
or (603) 846-5108.
"       Dec. 9 6 pm - 8 pm    2nd Annual "Artists in the Natural Resources" Exhibit  Fox Research Forest, 309 Center Road, Hillsborough, NH.  Join us for the 2nd Annual "Artists in the Natural Resources" exhibit at Fox Research Forest, 309 Center Road, Hillsborough, NH. Sponsored by the NH Division of Forests and Lands and UNH Cooperative Extension, the exhibit includes work by Brian Simm, Marilyn Wyzga, Ann Eldridge, Amy Blitzer, Ingeborg Seaboyer, Kathleen Barrett and Steve Schuch.  Opening night is Dec. 9 with an artists reception from 6pm to 8pm. Refreshments will be available and there is no admission fee. The exhibit will be open on Sat. Dec. 10 from 9 am to 4pm. For more information contact Inge Seaboyer at 271-3629. SPONSOR:  NH Division of Forests and Lands and UNH Cooperative Extension FEE:  Free
"        Dec. 10, 930 am - 2 pm   Up & Round about Bald Mtn. Harris Center Hike meet at Willard Pond parking lot.

"       Dec 17,  32 Annual Upper Contoocook Valley Christmas Bird Count, for more info call Dave Rowell 924-8790.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 7 PM at Town Hall.